First Aid

The goal of first aid is to give a sick or injured worker the best possible care before professional medical attention can be provided. This care is designed to prevent further injury or illness, promote recovery, and reduce severity by providing an immediate and effective response.

First aid training is recognized as having a positive impact on a firm's health and safety performance. It can reduce the number of accidents by promoting a greater awareness of hazards and their consequences. Studies have shown that people trained in first aid are injured less frequently and less severely than those who are not trained in first aid.

First aid facilities, training, records, and reporting are all required by law (Regulation 1101 - First Aid Requirements, under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act). Provision and maintenance of proper first aid facilities and treatment can improve employee morale and productivity and reduce WSIB costs and absenteeism. In addition, reviewing first aid statistics can help identify hazards. This in turn can suggest the preventive measures needed to ensure that similar injuries do not happen in the future.



Form 82

Companies need to be aware of their responsibilities as they apply to first aid requirements on jobsites. As a minimum, legislative requirements include:

  • At least one person must be trained, at the designated level, on every shift.
  • The designated first aider must be available to render assistance at all times during that shift.
  • A copy of the WSIB's In Case of Injury poster (Form 82) must be posted in the workplace, at a location where all workers can see it.
  • Injuries must be reported and recorded.

There are many elements to successfully establishing and implementing a first aid program on a jobsite. The following is a list to help identify items that need to be included in a plan:

  • Roles and responsibilities must be defined. Workers, supervisors, and safety staff must all know their roles.
  • The first aid kit must be located within quick and easy access for all employees.
  • Each first aid kit must be adequately stocked with supplies.
  • First aid treatment records must be kept.
  • First aid certificates must be posted.
  • A company must keep first aid kit inspection records. This would include establishing an inspection schedule and assigning the responsibility of inspection to an employee.
Regulation 1101

To understand your requirements as an employer, review Regulation 1101: First Aid Requirements. Within this document, clear requirements have been established based on the number of workers that will be onsite per any given shift.




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The samples provided are intended to be modified to meet company or site-specific requirements. Without such modifications, they may not be appropriate. Although IHSA believes that the information provided is consistent with the legal requirements and/or good industry practices which prevailed at the time the information was compiled, users of this information are urged to check with current regulations, local/trade practices and the most recent edition of the reference material to ensure that it is still appropriate.


Last Updated: March 11, 2020