Emergency preparedness

All organizations need a practical emergency plan to minimize injuries and property damage that may result from accidents and emergencies, including personal injuries, fire, explosion, toxic chemical spills, gas leaks and natural disasters. Emergency plans are based on the best available information about possible emergencies and their potential for personal injury and property damage. This information serves as the basis for drafting procedures, assigning responsibilities, acquiring necessary equipment, and providing the training needed to respond effectively and quickly to any emergency.



The Ontario Construction Projects regulation (213/91, s.17) requires the constructor to establish written procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency for every project. This means that planning for emergencies must begin before any work starts.

A quick and efficient response to an emergency will:

  • prevent the present situation from getting worse
  • protect workers and the public from further danger and injury
  • provide first aid to injured workers
  • protect material and equipment from further damage
  • isolate and secure the area to ensure that nothing is disturbed.

This element contains documents to help companies prepare for site emergencies. These include emergency response steps and a checklist to identify the resources required on jobsites. IHSA recommends that these documents be used only as a template to help prepare for emergencies. It is important to note that all sites are different so site-specific plans must be established.


Emergency Response Plan

The following items should be addressed when preparing your emergency response plan:

  • Hazard identification/assessment
  • Emergency resources
  • Communication system
  • Administration of plan
  • Emergency response procedure
  • Communication of procedure
  • Debriefing and post-traumatic stress procedure

The company's emergency plan should identify responsibilities and any special training requirements.




Links to Other Topics


Links to Existing IHSA and MOL Material



The samples provided are intended to be modified to meet company or site-specific requirements. Without such modifications, they may not be appropriate. Although IHSA believes that the information provided is consistent with the legal requirements and/or good industry practices which prevailed at the time the information was compiled, users of this information are urged to check with current regulations, local/trade practices and the most recent edition of the reference material to ensure that it is still appropriate.

Last Updated: March 11, 2020