company health and safety rules

Companies often develop a set of rules specific to their operations and sector. These rules normally reflect legislative requirements such as mandatory training and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as fall arrest systems.

Many companies however, go beyond the requirements of the law and develop additional rules, such as mandatory eye protection and worker orientation. Hazard, accident, and injury reporting procedures could also form part of the company rules. Other rules could address such items as the company non-conformance/disciplinary procedure, smoking in the workplace, use of alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs, horseplay, use of defective tools or equipment, etc.

Companies should establish rules to govern the conduct and actions of their employees. These rules should leave no room for discretion and argument. The rules must be enforced and action should be taken every time a rule is violated. Since safety programs already contain the assignment of responsibilities and safe work practices/procedures, rules should be kept to a minimum.


General Rules – Examples

  • All incidents must be reported immediately to your supervisor/foreperson, and prior to leaving the workplace.
  • All workers must have proof of training indicating that they are trained in WHMIS.
  • Workers must wear appropriate PPE when and where required.
  • Workers must perform all work following safe work practices and safe job procedures.
  • Workers must maintain good housekeeping.
  • No fighting or horseplay is permitted at the workplace.
  • No theft or vandalism will be tolerated at the workplace.
  • No possession or consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs is permitted while at the workplace.
  • You are not permitted to arrive or remain at work if your ability to perform the job safely is impaired.



Links to Other Topics


Links to Existing IHSA and MOL Material



The samples provided are intended to be modified to meet company or site-specific requirements. Without such modifications, they may not be appropriate. Although IHSA believes that the information provided is consistent with the legal requirements and/or good industry practices which prevailed at the time the information was compiled, users of this information are urged to check with current regulations, local/trade practices and the most recent edition of the reference material to ensure that it is still appropriate.


Last Updated: March 11, 2020