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Occupational Health and Safety Act and Construction Regulations

Product ID: Q005

The Ministry of Labour's "Green Book" covers Ontario's health and safety legislation relevant to the construction industry. In addition to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, it includes the following regulations under the Act:

  • Construction Projects (213/91)
  • Confined Spaces (632/05)
  • Critical Injury—Defined (834)
  • OHS Awareness and Training (297/13)
  • JHSCs—Exemption (385/96)
  • Unilateral Work Stoppage (243/95)
  • Inventory of Agents or Combinations of Agents (852)
  • Offices of the Worker and Employer Advisers (33/12)

This is the official version of the OHSA that must be posted at the worksite. January 2023 Edition.