JHSC Transition Plan
The MOL has formally announced that the 2014 JHSC Certification Training Standards will come into effect on March 1, 2016. This means that as of March 1, 2016, all JHSC Certification training programs and training providers must be approved by Ontario’s Chief Prevention Officer (CPO).
IHSA's JHSC Certification courses meet the 2014 Standard.
Joint Health and Safety Committee Certification
Joint Health and Safety Committee Certification—Part One is an in-class instructor-led program with a 3-day course load.
Joint Health and Safety Committee Certification—Part Two (Construction) helps learners address specific health and safety hazards in the construction sector.
Joint Health and Safety Committee Certification—Part Two (Transportation) helps learners address specific health and safety hazards in the transportation sector.
Joint Health and Safety Committee Certification—Part Two (Utilities) helps learners address specific health and safety hazards in the electrical and utilities sector.
Joint Health and Safety Committee Certification—Part Two (Aggregates) helps learners address specific health and safety hazards in the aggregate sector.*
Joint Health and Safety Committee Certification Refresher provides learners with a forum to review the key concepts of occupational health and safety, to provide updates regarding legislation, codes, and standards, and to discuss best practices and challenges.
This course will be offered in collaboration with Workplace Safety North (WSN)
JHSC Certification Where a Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) is required at a workplace, at least two JHSC members—one management and one worker—must be certified by the MOL. Anyone who wishes to act as a Certified Member on a JHSC must take and successfully complete JHSC Certification Training.
1996 Standard The current JHSC standard (i.e., 1996 Standard for Joint Health and Safety Committee Certification Training). All current JHSC Certification training in Ontario is in compliance with and done under this standard.
2014 Standard The new JHSC standard established by the MOL. As of March 1, 2016, all JHSC Certification training must be in compliance with the 2014 Standard.
Important Notice
According to the 2014 Standard, all approved certification programs must have a generic Part One and a sector-specific Part Two. A Refresher training course is also required.
Part One
Training is generic and has been designed for all members of all sectors. It must be completed before taking one of the sector-specific JHSC Certification—Part Two courses.
Part Two
Training is sector-specific and must be taken within six months of successfully completing Part One. If more than six months have passed, participants must either take a JHSC Refresher course before taking Part Two OR apply to the MOL for an exemption.
Training is required by Certified Members under the 2014 Standard every three years to maintain their certification or if more than six months have passed since taking Part One.
For more information regarding JHSC Certification and the transition to our new program offerings contact customerservice@ihsa.ca