IHSA has a network of labour-management health & safety committees operating at the provincial, regional, and trade/sector level. These are different from the workplace committees required by law—this network is voluntary. It affords the industry a means of raising and resolving health and safety issues.
IHSA provides technical, secretarial, and other support for the industry's labour-management network. Members of the Labour-Management Committees can access our online database of committee meeting schedules, minutes and agendas.
Click here to learn more about the Labour-Management Network
Click here to watch a short video about the Labour-Management Network.
Contact us for more information or to join the network.
Member Sign in
The Labour-Management Committee members section is a repository for documents such as meeting schedules, agendas, minutes and monthly packages for the Provincial, Regional, Trade and Sector Committees.
A member account is required to access the link above and links below.
News and information
Monthly Network News
MLITSD Construction Program Monthly Report
Meeting Schedules
The Labour-Management Committee's meeting schedules for 2025 are now available.
Online Minutes and Agendas
To access the minutes and agendas, click on the name of the committee below. This area of the website is password-protected, so you must be a member of a Labour-Management Health & Safety Committee to access the documents. If you haven't received your password, contact your committee coordinator or email the Labour-Management Administration Assistant.
Section 21 Committees
Regional Labour-Management Health & Safety Committees
Trade Labour-Management Health & Safety Committees
Sector Labour-Management Health & Safety Committees
Construction Legislative Review Committee
The Construction Legislative Review Committee (CLRC) is a sub-committee of the Provincial Labour Management Health and Safety Committee (PLMHSC). It will co-ordinate and oversee the review and development of changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Act and related Construction regulations. Download the CLRC's Terms of Reference, the Regulation Review Flowchart, and Member List.
IHSA Committees |
Labour Management