Under the auspices of IHSA, the CVOR Collision Point Review Panel will review appeals resulting from the Ministry of Transportation's (MTO) CVOR accident monitoring system.

  • The Panel's main purpose will be to make impartial CVOR accident point determinations from the facts submitted in an appeal.
  • Only reportable accidents that occurred within Ontario would be eligible for appeal consideration.
  • Appeals will be limited to accidents in which charges were not laid or to accidents where charges were laid but did not result in a conviction.
  • $750.00 fee to have appeal reviewed

The Panel is an unbiased, neutral, highly-qualified third party. The Panel will maintain complete confidentiality.


Did You Know?

To better understand the concept of preventability and important elements of a proper collision investigation the following programs are recommended.



The CVOR Collision Point Review Panel will determine whether the accident was preventable or non-preventable based on evidence supplied. The fact that a CVOR charge was dismissed by the courts only allows for appeal. The case must be determined to be non-preventable by the Panel in order to have the CVOR points removed. If you have any questions before proceeding with the appeal, please contact CVOR Review Panel.


Dear CVOR Holder:

Thank you for your interest in our CVOR Collision Point Review Panel.

IHSA is an independent, impartial, qualified third party who will administer this process.

To follow, please see the appeal procedure and a listing of necessary documentation we require to accurately review your appeal. To make application, please submit a signed copy of the Appeal Procedure sheet as well as any and all documentation requirements listed.

The Panel will maintain complete confidentiality. The MTO is advised of any cases under consideration. After 30 days of an appeal decision, all documentation will be destroyed.

Only reportable accidents that occurred within Ontario would be eligible for appeal consideration. Where charges were not laid, the request must be made within twelve months of the accident appearing on the CVOR record. Where charges were laid but did not result in a conviction, the request must be made between 30 to 365 days after the court disposition of the charge. The following court decisions will qualify: Acquitted, Dismissed, Withdrawn, Quashed or Stayed. Divergence may also qualify.

The outcome of the appeal will not be reflected on the motor vehicle accident report. Only the CVOR record may be affected, as only one factor—assignment of CVOR points—will be reviewed.

A non-refundable fee of $750.00 must be submitted to IHSA at the time documentation is forwarded to the Panel.


Attention - CVOR Collision Point Review Panel
Infrastructure Health & Safety Association

21 Voyager Court South, Etobicoke, ON  M9W 5M7
(416) 674-2726 Toll Free: 1-800-263-5024


Download the following and mail it to the above address.


Accident Documentation

In order to have an accurate assessment of this accident, it is required* that any and all documents pertinent to this case be submitted for review.



The appeal will not commence until all noted documents have been received.

  • Copy of signed Appeal Procedure sheet*
  • Cover letter outlining details of appeal and reason for justification of non-preventable determination*
  • Company name / individual contact name and phone number*
  • Copy of CVOR showing collision and associated points*
  • Non-refundable cheque for $750.00*
  • Detailed driver’s report (with diagram)*
  • All police reports, including a Level 2 Motor Vehicle Accident Report (with diagram)*
  • Insurance company’s report
  • All internal documents, including internal investigation report relating to said accident.
  • Any and all photos and/or diagrams taken at the scene of the accident or later (if available)
  • Court document showing disposition of the charge (if charges were laid)*
  • If the above mandatory documents are not provided, IHSA would have the option of denying the appeal immediately.

* Documents required


Any and all other documents having relevance to the case should also be included. Such items may include:

  • Witness statements
  • Relevant documents regarding service and maintenance of vehicles (if applicable)
  • Policies outlining safety and training relating to the collision event