Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a broad concept of corporate citizenship that can take various forms depending on the company and industry. It is an ongoing commitment by the company to act in an ethical manner, with accountability to its employees, customers, and suppliers, and the communities and environment in which it operates. Through CSR programs, philanthropy, and volunteer efforts, businesses can benefit society while boosting their own brands. These efforts can also aid worker well-being as participants become more connected with their community through their good works.


How Corporate Social Responsibility Connects to Psychosocial Risk Management and Worker Well-Being

Societal problems may enter the workplace in one way or another, and then the employer has to cope with them. At the same time awareness is increasing that companies may cause problems (e.g. health or environmental problems), and yet do nothing (or not enough) to help fix them. This "shifting of consequences" to society is no longer regarded as normal or as acceptable. In fact, it is often seen as unethical organizational behaviour.

Increasingly, CSR is becoming a strategic platform for health and safety management in workplaces. Companies that value supporting human, social, and mental health resources are often viewed as employers of choice. By going above and beyond to manage psychosocial risks and promote worker well-being, they bolster the sustainability of the company while also helping to improve the communities in which they operate. Socially responsible companies address worker (and community) concerns not because of legal obligation, but because it is the right thing to do—and in the long run, doing the right thing makes good business sense.


IHSA Supports Threads of Life

One way IHSA engages in CSR is through our support of Threads of Life. This Canadian charity works to bring hope and healing to families who have experienced a workplace fatality, life-altering injury or occupational disease. The Threads of Life network of family members and corporate partners believes traumatic workplace injuries, occupational diseases, and deaths are preventable.