Important Notices & Accommodations
AODA Accommodations
IHSA is committed to providing a barrier-free environment for all customers who may enter our premises, access our information, or use our goods or services. Individuals requesting accommodation are asked to advise IHSA of the nature of accommodation that is required by contacting Customer Service at 1-800-263-5024.
Preventing the Spread of Viruses
To learn more about the steps IHSA is taking to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 as well as what you can do as an individual or employer, visit our information page on preventing the spread of viruses.
Program Content
Participants will learn how to develop the tools and will review the techniques required to properly conduct a workplace inspection, including understanding hazards related to health and safety and learning how to recognize, assess, and control those hazards using workplace evaluation tools.
This course is designed to help participants recognize, assess, and control safety and health hazards in their workplace.
Who Should Attend?
Managers, committee members, safety representatives, any employees responsible for workplace inspections, and company representatives who want to develop or improve a company’s inspection program.
There are no perquisites for this course.
Learning Evaluation
There are participant exercises throughout the program.
Participant Course Evaluation
At the end of the training, participants will have the opportunity to evaluate and provide comments about the training they received.
Sessions After April 1, 2024
The new pricing listed below will come into effect on April 1st 2024
Price Per Participant at
IHSA Facility
Total Course Price at
Your Facility
Program Duration
1/2 Day
Member Fee
Member Fee
Max Participants
Non-member Fee
Non-member Fee