Important Notices & Accommodations

AODA Accommodations

IHSA is committed to providing a barrier-free environment for all customers who may enter our premises, access our information, or use our goods or services. Individuals requesting accommodation are asked to advise IHSA of the nature of accommodation that is required by contacting Customer Service at 1-800-263-5024.

Program Description

This IHSA course is hands-on

Basic hydraulic theory, coupled with a thorough understanding of safe operating practices, stability ratings, and load charts is of the utmost importance in preventing injuries, equipment damage, abuse, and subsequent lost time. Classroom and field sessions in this program increase the participants’ awareness of all aspects of hydraulic equipment.


Program Content

  • Interpretation of relevant regulations and the Occupational Health and Safety Act
  • Identification of equipment and stability ratings
  • Introduction to the theory of hydraulics
  • Overview of hydraulic systems used in utility vehicles
  • Use of manufacturers’ current manuals
  • Study of IHSA's Hydraulics Safe Practice Guide
  • Field practice on insulated aerial devices

Who Should Attend?

Personnel who operate or maintain hydraulic equipment.



A one-day overview program is available on request.

Delivery of this program at your facility will require a suitable space to complete the practical portion of the program as well as the required equipment. Please check with your IHSA Consultant/Trainer for specific requirements.



There are no prerequisites for this program.


Personal Protective Equipment / What to bring

Participants are required to bring their own CSA-approved head, eye, hearing, and foot protection, leather gloves, traffic vest, and suitable clothing for outside work. The participant will not be permitted to participate in the course if they do not bring the noted personal protective equipment and tools.


Learning Evaluation

Participants must complete a learning evaluation with a grade of 70% in order to successfully complete the course.


Participant Course Evaluation

At the end of the training, participants will have the opportunity to evaluate and provide comments about the training they received.

Price Per Participant at
IHSA Facility
Total Course Price at
Your Facility
Program Duration
2 Days
Member Fee
Member Fee
Max Participants
Non-member Fee
Non-member Fee

Session Details

City: Any
Region: Any