Important Notices & Accommodations
AODA Accommodations
IHSA is committed to providing a barrier-free environment for all customers who may enter our premises, access our information, or use our goods or services. Individuals requesting accommodation are asked to advise IHSA of the nature of accommodation that is required by contacting Customer Service at 1-800-263-5024.
New Requirements for COR® 2020
Recently, COR® was enhanced to COR® 2020 in order to help interested workplaces qualify for financial rewards and recognition from the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. For more information about COR® 2020 click here.
Program Description
The COR® Workshop program is a series of five 1-day sessions designed to provide participants with a systematic approach to building an effective Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) while making sure it aligns with the requirements of the Certificate of Recognition (COR®) program. The in-class work includes developing a company-specific action plan, which is completed between each session and brought back for evaluation. To obtain maximum benefit from the workshop, participants are expected to commit to all five sessions. Participants will receive a certificate of completion.
Program Content
Day 2 Assignment Review
Personal Protective Equipment
Preventative Maintenance
Training & Communications
Workplace Inspections
Management Review
Action Plan
Who Should Attend?
This program is designed for individuals whose companies are currently registered in IHSA’s Certificate of Recognition (COR®) program and who may be acting as their company’s Internal Auditor or Management Representative for the COR® program.
Participants are required to have completed the four COR® training programs:
It is recommended that participants have additional training and experience in health and safety.
What should I attend next?
This next program to take is COR® Workshop Day 4
This course has a prerequisite, so online registration is not available. Please contact our COR® Customer Service Team or call us at 1-800-263-5024.
Price Per Participant at
IHSA Facility
Total Course Price at
Your Facility
Program Duration
1 Day
Member Fee
Member Fee
Max Participants
Non-member Fee
Non-member Fee