The keys to driving comfortably

Ergonomic tips for truck drivers and heavy machine operators.

The keys to driving comfortably

Driving is a significant cause of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the transportation industry. When you’re sitting behind the wheel for long periods of time, it’s essential to set up your vehicle to make the task of driving as safe and comfortable as possible. By adjusting your seat, backrest, steering wheel, and mirrors, you can take action to prevent MSDs on the road.

Seat and backrest

Adjust your seat and backrest to balance comfort with the ability to see the road and safely operate your vehicle.

  • Ensure your seat is positioned so that you are comfortable, have full access to the vehicle controls, and can see fully through the windows. You should be able to see at least three inches over the top of the steering wheel.
  • Sitting too close to the steering wheel may prevent you from reaching the controls and accessing the full range of the wheel. Sitting too far away might cause you to strain to reach the pedals. You may also end up bending your head and neck forward, which can cause muscle fatigue.

Steering wheel

Adjust the wheel to position your arms comfortably.

  • Adjust the steering wheel so that you can reach and hold it with your arms in a relaxed position. Place your hands on the wheel at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock and support your elbows on the armrest, if possible.
  • The centre of the steering wheel should be about 10 to 12 inches from your breastbone.


Adjust your mirrors to help minimize uncomfortable neck movement.

  • Position your side- and rear-view mirrors so that you have good visibility around your vehicle while maintaining a neutral neck position.

Additional controls

Stretch and change posture to reduce stiffness and fatigue.

  • Try to take a break from driving every 60 to 90 minutes—or whenever possible. Get out of your vehicle to stand, stretch, and move around for a few minutes. While in the cab, changing your posture frequently can help reduce stiffness and fatigue.
  • It’s natural for your muscles and joints to stiffen if you’ve been driving for a long time. Because of this, avoid heavy lifting immediately after a prolonged period of driving.
  • After exiting your vehicle, take a few minutes to walk around and stretch to help your back regain its structural integrity. Remember: Stretching shouldn’t be painful. Stop stretching immediately if you feel sharp or shooting pain.