Reporting requirements for federally regulated firms

Federally regulated firms have specific reporting obligations each year that must be adhered to in order to meet legislative requirements.

Smiling truck driver

Although all organizations have a variety of health and safety requirements, such as the need to document and report incidents and injuries, federally regulated firms have specific reporting obligations that must be adhered to each year in order to meet legislative requirements.

By March 1 of each year, employers that fall under federal legislation (including federal work), or businesses such as trucking and warehousing organizations, must submit annual reports to the Labour Program. These reports are for the period from January 1 to December 31 of the previous calendar year.


Annual Workplace Committee Report (Form: LAB1058)

The Workplace Committee must provide an Annual Workplace Committee Report. This report covers a variety of areas, including:

  • Meetings
  • Complaints
  • Work refusals
  • Inquiries, investigations, and inspections
  • Programs, measures, and procedures
  • Hazards identified
  • Injuries and time lost

Employer’s Annual Hazardous Occurrence Report (Form: LAB1070)

Employers must provide an Annual Hazardous Occurrence Report. This report must reference:

  • Number of disabling injuries
  • Number of deaths
  • Number of minor injuries
  • Number of other hazardous occurrences
  • Total number of employees
  • Number of office employees
  • Total number of hours worked
  • Workplace status
  • Date that status became inactive, if applicable

Employer’s Annual Harassment and Violence Occurrence Report (Form: LAB1206)

As of January 1, 2021, federally regulated workplaces also need to provide an additional report on harassment and violence in the workplace as part of their harassment and violence prevention policies. Companies must now keep records on every occurrence of harassment and violence in the workplace and report annually to the Labour Program. This report must include several items, such as:

  • Number of occurrences and locations
  • Occurrences that were related to sexual harassment and violence
  • Occurrences that fall under the definition of discrimination set out in the Canadian Human
  • Rights Act
  • Explanation of the workplace relationships that existed between the principal and responding parties
  • The means taken to resolve complaints and the number of occurrences for each
  • Length of resolution process

Administrative penalties now in effect

Administrative penalties

The changes that went into effect in January 2021 have also allowed for administrative monetary penalties to be issued. The Canada Labour Code now includes Part IV, which provides the details of those administrative monetary penalties.

Labour officers are able to ticket for non-compliance rather than strictly provide directives. The maximum penalty is $250,000 under the Code.


How IHSA can help

IHSA offers a number of training programs to help you better understand the rules and responsibilities specific to federally regulated workplaces.

Canada Labour Code Part II

If you are looking to learn more about Part II of the Canada Labour Code and how it impacts your company, IHSA provides the Canada Labour Code Part II course. It is an introduction to federal health and safety legislation, including the responsibilities of employers and employees. Using group interaction in the classroom, participants learn to reference Part II of the Canada Labour Code, their health and safety responsibilities, and how to relate them to their specific workplace.

IHSA also provides courses that can assist health and safety professionals in federally regulated work to better understand the law and help share that information with others. Sign up now

Basics of Supervising—Federally Regulated

This program gives federally regulated workers the training they need to become effective supervisors. Participants learn how to fulfil their role as a supervisor and about their responsibilities under Part II of the Canada Labour Code to manage health and safety in the workplace. Once they understand what to do, the program gives them the tools to meet their health and safety responsibilities and ensure a productive workplace. Sign up now

Foundations of Facilitating, Training, and Learning

This course helps participants become familiar with the competencies necessary to effectively facilitate training. Participants learn proven methods to help them facilitate health and safety training that gets results on the job.

The course addresses the training cycle, how adults learn, and successful delivery techniques. Training concludes with a practical demonstration of basic facilitation skills. This course is ideal for those who deliver health and safety training. Sign up now


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