Program Guidelines

Please download and read the Program Guidelines. This will assist you in becoming familiar with the program requirements and understanding your commitment before you join the program.

For businesses participating both in COR® and HSEp, download the Guide for HSEp Members Registered in COR®


What is the Health and Safety Excellence Program?

The Health and Safety Excellence Program is a WSIB performance-based rewards program. It integrates the strengths of the previous WSIB Small Business, Safety Groups, and Workwell programs into a new improved model.

This new Excellence Program is designed to provide businesses with a clear road map to improving their health and safety processes and systems.

Participants create safer workplaces and can earn both financial and non-financial rewards.

Learn about the stages of the Health and Safety Excellence Program and COR.

Learn more about the Stages of Health and Safety Excellence program (HSEp) and COR®.


How Does IHSA help?

The program connects you with WSIB-approved providers that will help you develop a health a safety program suitable for your workplace.

As an approved provider, IHSA will deliver services to help members develop the skills, abilities, and resources toward the implementation and completion of the Excellence Program’s health and safety topics.

Whether you are just getting started or want to optimize systems and processes you already have in place, IHSA can help you reach your goals.

We offer the Health and Safety Excellence program in English only. To find a provider that offers the full program in French, please contact the WSIB at and they’ll recommend the provider(s) that best matches your needs.

Nous offrons le programme Excellence en santé et sécurité en anglais seulement. Pour trouver un prestataire qui offre tout le programme en français, veuillez communiquer avec la WSIB à et elle vous recommandera le ou les prestataires qui correspondent le plus à vos besoins.

For more information about the registration process click here.

Benefits to Your Company

  • Earn rebates and lower your premiums.
  • Improve your health and safety experience.
  • Gain access to a team of leading health and safety experts.
  • Receive exclusive access to IHSA member resources.
  • Build a well-crafted and functional health and safety program.

Program Features

  • Employers can choose to work on one to five health and safety topics in a 12-month period.
  • Flexible timelines allow employers to work at their own pace.
  • Financial and non-financial recognition is based on individual participant performance.
  • Employers will submit program documentation online to IHSA prior to WSIB validation.
  • Employers choose where they start in the program, not necessarily at level one.

How the Excellence Program Works

Attend (optional): Attend a WSIB info session or IHSA meeting and understand the program and business case for health and safety. Email for more information.
Join: Choose an approved provider, complete an assessment, and select one to five topics to work on for up to a year.
Develop: Learn and implement health and safety topic(s) with the support of IHSA.
Demonstrate: Submit evidence of implementation for review by a WSIB validator.
Achieve: Receive rebates or non-financial recognition.

You can find more information by visiting the WSIB Health and Safety Excellence page.



  • Firms require an active WSIB account to be eligible.
  • Both Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 firms can participate; however, financial rebates are available for Schedule 1 firms only.
  • Firms must be in good standing with the WSIB.
  • Participation requires the firm to register with an official WSIB program provider.
  • No allowed traumatic fatality claims from the date your action plan was approved to the date the rebate is issued.*
    * If a business is waiting on a decision regarding a workplace fatality claim, they’re not eligible for a rebate until a decision about that fatality is made.

Keeping People Safe and Healthy is Good for Business

Under the 2020 Rate Framework, employers will fall into one of two categories based on their ability to influence their premium rates.


Financial Rewards


Group 1: Low predictability (under 20%)

Businesses who have low insurable earnings and a low number of past claims will qualify for a minimum $1,000 rebate per completed Health and Safety Topic or 2% of their premiums, whichever is greater, up to 100% of WSIB premiums.

Group 2: High predictability (over 20%)

Businesses who have high claim costs and considerable insurable earnings qualify for a 1.4% rebate off their WSIB premiums up to a maximum of $50,000 per completed Health and Safety Topic or $250,000 per 12 months, for five topics completed.



Predictability is a measurement on how much your past claims and insurable earnings can be used to predict future outcomes.

To determine your predictability index, businesses can securely log into Compass through WSIB online services at

Once you are signed in, select Analyze Rates and Past Claim Costs from the menu to use Compass. If you do not already have a WSIB account online, follow the prompts to set one up in order to access exclusive insights for your business.


Non-Financial Rewards

  • An improved health and safety program for participating employer workplaces due to focused attention on building knowledge and implementing plans.
  • An Excellence Program participation badge will be visible in COMPASS when a firm’s action plan is approved by the WSIB (updated quarterly).
  • Firms will receive additional COMPASS recognition for each topic and level completed, as well as number of years in the program.
  • An annual achievement report will be sent to employers from the WSIB to reflect their progress in the program.

Services & Fees


Small Businesses with 1 to 49 Employees

There is a fee of $895.00 + HST for small businesses, which covers the following:

  • Direct access to subject matter experts, IHSA resources and networking.
  • One free e-learning registration: Introduction to Hazard & Risk Management course.
  • Opportunity to participate in meetings/webinars related to health and safety management system topics.
  • Pre-submission to WSIB desk review and report.
  • Two-hour consultation with an IHSA Health and Safety Management System Consultant (assist with topic selection/topic development/topic submission for WSIB validation).

This fee is non-refundable and applies annually or on completion of an action plan, whichever is first.


Medium Businesses with 50 to 99 Employees

There is a fee of $1,750 + HST for medium businesses, which covers the following:

  • Direct access to subject matter experts, IHSA resources and networking.
  • One free e-learning registration: Introduction to Hazard & Risk Management course.
  • Opportunity to participate in meetings/webinars related to health and safety management system topics.
  • Pre-submission to WSIB desk review and report.
  • Four-hour consultation with an IHSA Health and Safety Management System Consultant (assist with topic selection/topic development/topic submission for WSIB validation). This may be scheduled over more than one session.

This fee is non-refundable and applies annually or on completion of an action plan, whichever is first.


Large Businesses with 100 or more Employees

There is a fee of $3,985 + HST for large businesses, which covers the following:

  • Direct access to subject matter experts, IHSA resources and networking.
  • One free e-learning registration: Introduction to Hazard & Risk Management course.
  • Opportunity to participate in meetings/webinars related to health and safety management system topics.
  • Pre-submission to WSIB desk review and report.
  • Four-hour consultation with an IHSA Health and Safety Management System Consultant (assist with topic selection/topic development/topic submission for WSIB validation). This may be scheduled over more than one session.

This fee is non-refundable and applies annually or on completion of an action plan, whichever is first.


For more information or if you have general inquiries, please contact


Registration Process

  • 1 - Firm completes registration form on line and submits
  • 2 - Firm receives a confirmation email that their registration form is under review
  • 3 - Firm receives an email to complete the payment process
  • 4 - Firm receives the link to the WSIB digital portal
  • 5 - Firm registers in the portal and completes the health and safety assessment
  • 6 - IHSA program consultant contacts the firm to provide program support

To register for the program please complete the registration process.

Many of our Excellence Program members go on to achieve recognition through COR®! Please visit our COR® page or discuss this option with your consultant.