Non-IHSA Health and Safety Job Postings

The information on this Non-IHSA Health and Safety Job Postings Page has been provided by third parties, is general in nature, and intended for educational purposes only. These postings were received from sources believed to be reliable and current at the time of posting. IHSA makes no warranty, representation or guarantee as to the correctness or sufficiency of any representation contained in the information on this Non-IHSA Health and Safety Postings Page. The information should be verified through other sources if it is to be relied upon. IHSA shall not be held liable for inaccurate or misleading information on this Page.

Regional Development Coordinator - Ontario

A national organization dedicated to workplace injury prevention, looking for an energetic and passionate staff member with 3 - 5 years of experience in fundraising and/or volunteer management. Must work in a self-directed environment in Ontario. Responsible for identifying resources and raising funds for long term sustainability. We pride ourselves as a mission and vision driven organization.

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