Safe Worker Award

IHSA’s Safe Worker Award program gives employers the opportunity to recognize their employees’ health and safety performance. Our Safe Worker pins are available for each year that an employee has worked without a compensable incident—up to 50 years.

Benefits of the Program

By presenting employees with Safe Worker pins, you:

  • Demonstrate the importance of working safely
  • Demonstrate your company's appreciation of a job well done
  • Build worker confidence and give them confidence in your company
  • Show customers and other companies the quality of service you provide
  • Document each employee’s (and your company's) history of safety
  • Improve employee morale

How it Works

Employers are responsible for tracking their workers’ safety records. If your records show that an employee has worked for a full calendar year (January 1 to December 31) without a compensable incident, he or she is eligible for the Safe Worker Award.

For the first year, workers must have been full-time employees for at least 75% of the year. There are two exceptions to this rule:

  • An authorized company leave of absence or a layoff, and
  • An illness or injury that prevented the person from working.

After their first incident-free year, successful workers are given a one-year pin recognizing their achievement. For every additional year without a compensable incident, workers may receive another pin.

Pins are awarded for total (not consecutive) years of a safe work. For example, if an employee earns a two-year pin but has a compensable incident during the third year, they would not receive a three-year pin. However, if the next (i.e., fourth) year is incident-free, the worker would then be eligible for a three-year pin.

How to Work Safe Every Day

In addition to our industry-leading training and product offerings, IHSA’s online resources are ideal for refreshing your knowledge of common workplace hazards, including: